<to start the net>
This is <callsign> and I'm about to start the 6 Shooter Net. If there is any emergency traffic or if you need to make a quick call, please go ahead and do so now. I'll start the net up in one minute.
<wait a minute>
This is <callsign> and my name is <name> . I am bringing up the 6 Shooter weekly ragchew and information net. This net invites all licensed amateur radio operators to participate, so please check in with us. This net is a directed net, and that means we call for a round of check ins, and you simply reply stating your callsign. Once recognized by the Net Control Operator, then you may come with your traffic. Traffic appropriate for this net includes announcements, technical talk, swap listing, sports, todays weather, or any information regarding amateur radio. Again this net invites all licensed operators to participate, so let's start our first round of check ins, please come with your callsigns now.
<during the net take check-in rounds, clarify and write down callsigns. take each one in order and handle the traffic>
<be sure to identify with your name, callsign and that this is an information net open to all licensed hams. repeat this every few minutes>
<to end the net>
<make a last call for check-ins>
Okay that was last call and if we have no further check ins, I'm going to close the net at this time. The 6 Shooter Net thanks you for your participation. This is <callsign> and this Net is now officially closed.